Running With Believers 21st Dec 22

Running With Believers 21st Dec 22


First aired 21st Dec 22. Running With Believers hosted The Beast, Shaun Panting & Moonpie, playing Indie music you have heard and some Indie you may not have on Sunshine Music iRadio On Demand!

Creators and Guests

Co-Host of RWB
Co-Host of RWB
The Beast AKA Shifty Nights
The Beast AKA Shifty Nights
Music has been his passion since pressing play on a Blue Monkey rave tape in a big old beat box back in the very early 90's, since then music has played a massive part in his life, a love of dance music soon developed into a love of all genres of music which eventually lead him into DJing and radio presenting. The Beast started out producing a radio show with 2 other friends called Peakingfm in the early 00's this show inspired him to start his own show called Running with Believers and many of the features that aired on that first show are still on the show to this day. The modern incarnation of RWB formed in 2007 and it was hosted solely by him, soon he had invited Soulb@stard to join the show and then longtime contributor Moonpie joined the team and like they say, here we are.